3. Forgiveness through curiosity and compassion with Hannah Van Petten

Today’s episode is about forgiveness, forgiveness between someone and their close loved one.

I don’t know about you, but forgiveness is one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in my life...maybe because it’s so easy to not forgive. Time can go on and it’s easy not to confront those feelings of ill will, resentment, judgement, bitterness...but there is a cost to this avoidance, right?

In this episode I shared about forgiveness toward my dad from when I was a young girl. Our guest, Hannah Van Petten, has an experience about her own father and her journey toward forgiveness. We hear her story, her very real struggle, and how she was able to develop compassion for her dad that ultimately led her to placing more importance on her love than on dwelling on her feelings of hurt and resentment.

***A special note••• This story contains some personal information regarding our guest and her family member. Please be assured that both Hannah and her father have given their explicit permission to share this story in its entirety.

Hannah hiking with her father

Hannah hiking with her father

Our guest, Hannah Van Petten of Hannie’s House

Our guest, Hannah Van Petten of Hannie’s House


About our guest: Hannah is a entrepreneur of a business called Hannie’s House which strives to serve youth and families through mentorship using the framework of mindfulness based stress reduction, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, and Applied Behavior Analysis. She has many wonderful services, products, and workshops that she offers so please check out her work at Hannieshouse.org, and on instagram @Hannieshouse.

About ACT Collective: I wanted to share about an opportunity to participate in a monthly group meeting called ACT Collective. In this community we meet to discuss topics related to ACT, review a research article and practice Acceptance and Commitment Therapy strategies live in session, with each other. It’s also an excuse for us to get together, laugh, share our goals, and get accountability for following through on our goals. If you are interested in joining, reach out or check out ACT Collective on my website actinspiredbehavior.com


If you are interested in reaching out and telling your story, email me at gabbie@actinspiredbehaviorcoaching.com or contact me through my website. I’d love to hear from you!