2. Eating disorder & the cost of avoidance with Kim Loneck

In this episode we explore the story of an eating disorder as told by Kim Loneck. Since the topic of this conversation touches on a sensitive subject, I want listeners to be aware before they decide to listen. If this is a potentially triggering subject for you, please be kind to yourself in whatever way possible. Thank you.

Today’s episode is about recognizing patterns of behavior. As you listen think about a time that you have been compelled to do things that you know weren’t good for you...maybe it was a bad habit, or a really ill-timed decision or a choice you made which was more to please others than to honor your true desires. Perhaps these behaviors were seeking to avoidance something painful in your life--and if that's the case these behavior likely served a purpose; they helped to avoid that pain in the short-term. But the more we do these things, the more it costs us in the long term. 

Where does that come from? Perhaps you know yourself well enough to recognize those patterns of behavior and some of the thoughts that are entangled within this larger pattern. In this episode let's explore that pattern through Kim's story.